Welcome to Overflow Stack.

Are you a developer?

Either web front end developer/designer, a database developer/DBA, a .NET developer, you are more than welcome to join us!

What is Overflow Stack?

To start with, you maybe aware that the name is very close to the famous website Stack Overflow. I know... It's just fun.

Every kind of development has it's own domain, to simply put, has different kinds of technologies specific to that area. And it's frustrated to find out what technologies exactly a specific domain includes (The Stack). So we create dedicated technology stack for each domain. Our goal is to become full stack, or, rather, overflow stack!

Development Stack

Are you an architect/designer? You will find a comprehensive list of information about system development basics, analysis, project/planning, documentation, wireframe/mockup, design/modeling, implementation, quality, management, build, testing, deployment, maintenance, troubleshooting, learning etc. at the Development Stack.

There is an interactive preview of Development Stack (use mouse to move / zoom).

Web Front End Stack

Are you a web front end developer/designer? You will find a comprehensive list of browsers, platforms, libraries, frameworks, tools etc. at the Web Front End Stack.

There is an interactive preview of Web Front End Stack (use mouse to move / zoom). Also, you can find the Chinese version here: Web Front End Stack.

Database Stack

Are you a database developer/DBA? You will find a comprehensive list of internals of MS SQL Server, Azure etc. at the Database Stack.

There is an interactive preview of Database Stack (use mouse to move / zoom). Also, you can find the Chinese version here: Database Stack.

.NET stack

Are you a .NET developer? You will find a comprehensive list of frameworks, platforms, IDE, SDKs, desktop, web, SOA, data, productivity, components, tools etc. at the .NET Stack.

There is an interactive preview of .NET Stack (use mouse to move / zoom). Also, you can find the Chinese version here: .NET Stack.

Cool Stuffs

We've created some really cool stuffs for you. Check it out!

SQL Monitor

SQL Server Monitor manages sql server performance, monitor sql server processes and jobs, analyze performance, analyse system, object version control, view executing sql query, kill process / job, object explorer, database shrink/log truncate/backup/detach/attach.


Wu/Manber is a very high performance string/text search/match algorithm with C#.

Sharp Dups

Fast duplicate file search via parallel processing with C#.

Load Runner

Distributed load testing with C#.





首先,您应该会觉得Overflow Stack这个名字和著名的网站Stack Overflow很相似,是吧?起爆栈这个名字就是觉得比全栈要更高一个层次,好玩!




您可以查看系统开发技术栈的交互式的预览 (用鼠标移动/缩放)。



您可以查看Web前端技术栈的交互式的预览 (用鼠标移动/缩放)。您还可以查看中文版的文章


您是数据库开发人员/管理员吗?您可以在数据库技术栈这里找到比较全面的关于SQL Server和Azure等数据库系统的技术细节。

您可以查看数据库技术栈交互式的预览 (用鼠标移动/缩放)。您还可以查看中文版的文章



您可以查看.NET技术栈交互式的预览 (用鼠标移动/缩放)。您还可以查看中文版的文章



SQL Monitor

SQL Server Monitor管理您的SQL Server性能,监控进程/作业,分析系统运行情况,找出性能问题,以及大量很实用的功能。



Sharp Dups


Load Runner
